Saturday, April 08, 2006


Pucon --> Santiago10 hrs
Santiago --> Mendoza8 hrs
Mendoza --> Tucuman11 hrs
Tucuman --> Salta4 hrs
Salta --> Aguas Blancas5 hrs
Aguas Blancas --> Bermejo1 hr
Bermejo --> Tarija12 hrs
Total time spent on bus: 50hrs out of 72.
What about the 22 hrs not on a bus?
Why, waiting at a bus terminal, of course!

Happy April Fool´s Day!

I am currently happily in Bolivia, soon to be heading to Cuzco to meet mom and check out Machu Picchu.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

on a bus in the middle of nowhere.

fuck it, so tired of eating nothing but chips, cookies and pop, and spending more than 30 hours at a time on buses. i'm going home.